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Idea Name
Give your concept a suitable title, how would you describe it in a word or two?
Demand Space Platform
What is the Demand Space Platform you are ideating in?
Unwind & Indulge
Youthful Snacking
Snacking Together
Supporting Healthier Choices
Innovation Pillar
Which innovation Pillar are you ideating under?
Describe the idea
In 200 words or less describe the idea, what does it look like, what ingredients does it feature, what is the texture etc…
What is the key consumer pull?
In 200 words or less describe the key reason why consumers would be interested in this product. What consumer need & occasion is this delivering against?
Source of volume?
What would consumers buy this new product instead of?
Why would they buy this instead?
What is the advantage of this new product vs existing Pladis or competitor offering? What is the distinctive benefit of this product vs other products in market
How does it look?
Which one of the below formats bests suits your ideas
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
Item 6
Item 7
Item 8
Item 9
Choice number 13 does not have an image
Describe how it looks